The 2016 Australian Bryophyte Workshop has been announced.
Generally held every two years, the workshops aim to present opportunities for those interested in learning about bryophytes to meet and exchange knowledge in different environments. This year will present the first opportunity for the intrepid to venture into an environment largely unfavourable for bryophytes, the semi-arid fringes of the centre of Australia. This will present people with a different challenge from other workshops — the need to search for the small in size and quantity. Only 109 moss and 28 hepatic taxa are represented in the State Herbarium collections from the Flinders Ranges, but expert eyes may find more!
If you’re interested in attending or just interested in keeping in touch with workshop developments check the meeting’s website. Registrations are open now.

Grimmia sp. and and lichen Acarospora schleicheri, Flinders Ranges, September 2015