In light of the recent bushfires the State Herbarium of South Australia has compiled a list of resources on the response of vegetation to fire. The emphasis is here to open-access publications that summarise knowledge and not detailed research papers.
All fire related “Know our plants” blogs can be found here.
Fire Management Unit (2017). The effects of fire on the environment. Department for Environment,Water and Natural Resources: Adelaide.
Native Vegetation Management Unit (2014). Native vegetation post fire recovery. Department of Environment, Water and Natural Resources: Adelaide.
National Forest Learning Centre (2013). Eucalypts and fire. Forest Education Foundation: Hobart.
Gill, A.M. (1993). Interplay of Victoria’s flora with fire. In: Foreman, D.B. and N.G. Walsh (eds), Flora of Victoria 1: 212–226 (Inkata Press: Melbourne).
Lang, P.J., Canty, P.D. & Brandle, R. (2009). Biological impacts of the 2005 wildfire on southern Eyre Peninsula: monitoring post-fire recovery within three years using Biological Survey of South Australia sites. Science Resource Centre, Information Science & Technology, Department for Environment & Heritage: Adelaide.
Native Vegetation Branch (2020). Native trees in burnt areas. Department for Environment and Water: Adelaide.
Pastures Unit, Tamworth (2020). Pasture recovery after bushfires. Department of Primary Industry: Sydney. [Primefacts].
Several authors (2012). Proceedings of the Symposium on Fire and Biodiversity in Victoria. Proceedings of the Royal Society of Victoria 124(1). [13 contributions].
Miller, B.P. & Murphy, B. (2017). Fire and Australian vegetation. In: Keith, D.A. (ed.), Australian Vegetation (3rd end), pp. 113-134. Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, UK. [Only partly available through GoogleBooks].
Tozer, M.G., Simpson, C.C., Jansens, I.B. & Keith, D.A. (2017). Biogeography of Australia’s dry sclerophyll forests: drought, nutrients and fire. In: Keith, D.A. (ed.), Australian Vegetation (3rd end), pp. 314–338. Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, UK. [Only partly available through GoogleBooks].
Anon. (2020). Post fire woody weed control In bushland. Adelaide and Mount Lofty Ranges NRM Board: Gawler, Black Hill & Willunga.
Blood, K. & Gold, B. (2020). Early invader update #18: Feature on weed management and fire. Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning: Melbourne.
Graham, M. & Taylor, K. (2018). Fire, Weeds and the Native Vegetation of New South Wales. A report prepared by the Hotspots Fire Project. NSW Rural Fire Service & Nature Conservation Coucil.
Zimmer, H., Cheal, D. & Cross, E. (2012). Post-fire weeds triage manual: Black Saturday Victoria 2009 – Natural Values fire recovery program. Department of Sustainability and Environment: Heidelberg
Wild, A. (2020). Bushfire impacts on Australian plants. CSIROScope.
Cranney, K. (2020). Five tips for replanting your garden after bushfires. CSIROScope.
Understanding the impact of the 2019-20 fires. NSW Department of Environment, Energy and Science.
iNaturalist Environmental Recovery Project: Australian Bushfires 2019-20. Organised by the Centre for Ecosystem Science, University of New South Wales.
Conran, J. (2019). Fire as an ecological factor. Lecture for the Ecological Issues 1 course at The University of Adelaide. (4.9mb PDF). (Made available with permission of the author.)
Please contact us, should you know of other useful or interesting publications on this issue.