Category Archives: Publications

New journal articles: Nov. 2015

Hibbertia spanantha Toelken & A.F.Rob.

Today, the Journal of the Adelaide Botanic Gardens released three articles online:

To access content of all volumes of the Journal of the Adelaide Botanic Gardens since Vol. 1 (1976), please visit the journal’s web-site at (the Journal is also available through JSTOR).

New Journal web-page

JABG_27_coverThe homepage of the Journal of the Adelaide Botanic Gardens has moved and is now hosted by Enviro Data SA, the South Australian Government’s gateway to data and information relating to the science and monitoring of South Australia’s environment and natural resources.

The new Journal pages are easier to use and have improved search functions. All volumes and issues of the Journal from Vol. 1 (1976) are online, with articles and papers available in PDF format.

The Journal of the Adelaide Botanic Gardens is an open-access, peer-reviewed journal published by the State Herbarium of South Australia on behalf of the Board of the Botanic Gardens and State Herbarium (Adelaide, South Australia). The Journal is available online at and through JSTOR. Papers are published electronically as soon as they are reviewed, edited and type-set. A hardcopy volume is printed at the end of the calendar year, collating all articles published during this time. Printed volumes are distributed to botanical libraries around the world and are also available for purchase.

The Journal of the Adelaide Botanic Gardens accepts manuscripts in the following categories:

  • plant systematics, taxonomy and nomenclature of plants, algae and fungi
  • evolution and biogeography
  • descriptive plant morphology and anatomy
  • plant biology, genetics and ecology
  • obituaries, biography and history
  • bibliographic studies and book reviews
  • botanical illustrations.

Focus of the journal is on taxa from the Australasian region, but manuscripts from other regions of the world may be considered.  Please contact the Editor, Jürgen Kellermann, for more information.

EnviroDataSA title     JSTOR logo

New Flora chapter published, June 2015

Pultenaea penna, described in 2003. Photo: T.J. Horn.

The new, 5th edition of Flora of South Australia is published online in PDF-form. Today, 30 June 2015, the State Herbarium of South Australia released a revised version of the chapter on the plant family Fabaceae (peas). In addition to the existing treatments of the tribes Bossiaeeae & Brongniartieae (by I.R. Thompson) and Indigofereae (by P.G. Wilson), this chapter now also includes the tribe Mirbelieae. With 13 genera and species, this is the largest group of native peas. It was mainly written by Andrew Craigie, Peter Lang co-authored the genus Pultenaea and up-dated Dillwynia together with Jürgen Kellermann.

Flora of South Australia (5th edn): Fabaceae (Leguminosae) (partly) (version 2) (33.5MB)

The general link to the 5th edition of Flora of South Australia is, providing current treatments, glossary, introduction and cover pages for printing. Previous versions of Flora treatments are still available from our Superseded treatments page.

New Journal article: June 2015

Kantvilas & Wedin Arthonia insularis

Parasitic fungus Arthonia insularis (black spots) growing on a yellow lichen. Photo: G. Kantvilas.

The first article of Vol. 29 of the Journal of the Adelaide Botanic Gardens was published online today.  Gintaras Kantvilas, Tasmanian Herbarium, and Mats Wedin, Swedish Museum of Natural History, describe two species of fungi, which grow parasitic on lichens in Kangaroo Island.

G. Kantvilas & M. Wedin
Lichenicolous species of the Ascomycete genus Arthonia Ach. from Kangaroo Island

To access content of all volumes of the Journal of the Adelaide Botanic Gardens since Vol. 1 (1976), please visit the journal’s web-site at (the Journal is also available through JSTOR).

Cactus book launched

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Bob Chinnock during the book launch

On Friday evening, 19 June 2015, Bob Chinnock‘s new book on weedy opuntioid cacti was launched by Michelle Waycott, State Herbarium of South Australia, and John Virtue, Manager NRM Biosecurity. Over 30 colleagues and friends of Bob gathered to celebrate this achievement.

Feral opuntioid cacti of Australia is published in two parts. The first part, covering the cylindrical stemmed genera Austrocylindropuntia, Cylindropuntia and Corynopuntia is now available. The book includes many colour photos, detailed line-drawings and descriptions of the cacti’s stems, fruit and flowers, as well as information on suitable controls and the occupational health and safety issues associated with dealing with them. The second part, containing the flat stemmed genus Opuntia (incl. Nopalea), is currently in preparation.

More information on the book and how to purchase it can be found on the following web-page:

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Herbarium specimens of opuntioid cacti on display during the book launch, Cylindropuntia pallida in foreground (formerly C. rosea)