Bob Chinnock during the book launch
On Friday evening, 19 June 2015, Bob Chinnock‘s new book on weedy opuntioid cacti was launched by Michelle Waycott, State Herbarium of South Australia, and John Virtue, Manager NRM Biosecurity. Over 30 colleagues and friends of Bob gathered to celebrate this achievement.
Feral opuntioid cacti of Australia is published in two parts. The first part, covering the cylindrical stemmed genera Austrocylindropuntia, Cylindropuntia and Corynopuntia is now available. The book includes many colour photos, detailed line-drawings and descriptions of the cacti’s stems, fruit and flowers, as well as information on suitable controls and the occupational health and safety issues associated with dealing with them. The second part, containing the flat stemmed genus Opuntia (incl. Nopalea), is currently in preparation.
More information on the book and how to purchase it can be found on the following web-page: know.ourplants.org/cacti/.

Herbarium specimens of opuntioid cacti on display during the book launch, Cylindropuntia pallida in foreground (formerly C. rosea)