Plant of the month: Nov. 2016 (2)

As the second Plant of the Month for November 2016, the State Herbarium of South Australia has chosen Orthrosanthus multiflorus Sweet (morning flag). It is a native member of the Iris family (Iridaceae) found in both Parks of the Month, Kelly Hill Conservation Park and Seal Bay Conservation Park.     Plant a flag in […]

Plant of the month: Nov. 2016 (1)

For November, DEWNR has chosen a pair of neighbouring parks on Kangaroo Island as Parks of the Month: Seal Bay Conservation Park and Kelly Hill Conservation Park. The State Herbarium of South Australia has also chosen two Plants of the Month for November 2016. For Seal Bay, the Phycology Unit suggested the alga Sarcomenia delesserioides Sonder. Where is […]

Plant of the month: Oct. 2016

One out of the boxes The Plant of the Month for October 2016 is Eucalyptus porosa F.Muell. ex Miq. (mallee box), the dominant eucalypt in DEWNR’s Park of the Month, Cobbler Creek Recreation Park. Mallee box is part box (a general name for a Eucalypt with rough flaky bark) and part mallee due to its […]

Plant of the month: Sep. 2016

September 1st is Wattle Day, so the State Herbarium of South Australia has chosen golden wattle, Acacia pycnantha Benth., as the plant of the month for Belair National Park, DEWNR‘s Park of the Month (the history of the park is described in this chapter in Valleys of stone) Acacia pycnantha is a variable species that naturally […]

Plant of the Month: Aug. 2016

Precocious little early bloomer The plant of the month for August 2016 is Drosera praefolia, a rare South Australian endemic sundew with the peculiar trait of flowering before its leaves appear. It is one of an amazing six sundew species found in Onkaparinga River National Park, which is the DEWNR Park of the Month for […]