Plant of the month: Feb. 2016

The State Herbarium has chosen Eucalyptus camaldulensis Dehnh. (river red gum), as Plant of the Month for February 2016. It is an iconic tree across South Australia and in the Murray River National Park, this month’s Park of the Month. Eucalyptus camaldulensis has one of the widest natural distributions for an Australian tree, and is […]

Plant of the Month: Jan. 2016

The State Herbarium has chosen Posidonia sinuosa Cambridge & J.Kuo. as the plant of the month for January, 2016 and it is found the Encounter Bay Marine Park. Posidonia sinuosa is a species of seagrass that is endemic to southern Australia and does not occur further East than the SE of South Australia. It forms […]

Plant of the month: Dec. 2015

This month’s Park of the Month is Coffin Bay National Park on southern Eyre Peninsula. The State Herbarium has chosen Acacia alcockii Maslin & Whibley (Alcock’s wattle) as the Plant of the Month, as the species is endemic to southern Eyre Peninsula. It grows in coastal and near-coastal areas, mainly in sand over limestone. Alcock’s wattle is listed as […]

Plant of the month: Nov. 2015

We kick off our new series Plant of the Month with Correa glabra var. leucoclada (rock correa), which is a plant characteristic of Morialta Conservation Park, DEWNR’s Park of the Month for Nov. 2015. Rock correa is found in the southern Mt. Lofty Ranges and eastern and central New South Wales. In South Australia it is […]

Plant* of the Month: Dec. 2016

DEWNR‘s last Park of the Month for 2016 is Canunda National Park on the South Australia’s south-eastern shore. Fittingly, the State Herbarium has chosen an alga, Sarcothalia radula (Esper) Edyvane & Womersley, as Plant* of the Month (even though technically speaking, red algae are not plants). [* = and other organisms traditionally studied by botanists] Bigger and […]