A new book on the plants of southern Eyre Peninsula has just been published:
Saunders, Brian (2018). Flowering plants of lower Eyre Peninsula: An illustrated tour of the native flora, 200 pp. Camden Park: Lane Print & Post.

The book is a photographic identification guide to the more common plants of the area, with brief notes on their distribution and biology. The southern half of Eyre Peninsula is home to many remarkable plants, including some which are endemic to the region. A list of all EP native plants can be found through the eFloraSA website.
State Herbarium of South Australia botanist Peter Lang was heavily involved in the book project, advising Brian on the correct names of plants and checking text and images.
The publication is available in shops in Coffin Bay, Port Lincoln and Adelaide at $25.
Other well-known identification guides by the author include:
- Shores and shallows of Coffin Bay: An identification guide (2012, 2nd edition)
- Admiring the fungi of lower Eyre Peninsula: A preliminary guide to the larger fungi of the region (2015).