the Flora of South Australia is off-line—a replacement is under development—some identification tools, a copy of the Census of South Australian plants, algae and fungi and other information is temporarily being made available on Know OurPlants until the new site is complete |
These pictorial keys, fact sheets algae-at-a-glance sheets have been developed to aid in the identification of species from the rich algal diversity of our southern Australian coasts. Through the efforts of Emeritus Professor H.B.S. Womersley and those of his many students and helpers, some 90,000 algal specimens reside in the State Herbarium of South Australia. There are also 20,000 prepared microscope slides of algal structures essential in species identification, accompanying these collections.
Honorary Research Associate of the State Herbarium of South Australia, R.N. (Bob) Baldock is the author of these fact sheets and has spent many years photographing the specimens and slides, and researching the content to provide this rich visual experience. These Algae Revealed fact sheets are designed to be accessible to marine enthusiasts. They are based on expert-validated knowledge.
Last update: 2024-12-19
Table of Contents
- Algae Revealed—an introduction
- Marine Indicator Species of Southern Australian Reefs
- Common Southern Australian Aquatic Organisms
- Southern Australian Groups at a Glance
- Phaeophyta—brown algae
- Rhodophyta—red algae
- Chlorophyta—green algae
Algae Revealed—an introduction
This is a collection of fact sheets of attached (benthic) marine algae from southern Australia, with summaries of their key features. Microscopic algae such as plant plankton are not included. It is intended to aid students and marine enthusiasts in becoming more familiar with the rich algal diversity of our southern Australian coasts. Many marine projects to be successful require algal identification. These fact sheets are useful aids to naming “that seaweed”.
What is included?
- Marine Indicator Species gives a cross section of what coastal ecosystems can be found along southern Australia
- Pictured Keys and other search strategies to identify groups of aquatic organisms
- Algae at a Glance can be used to get to a possible algal group quickly
- Brown, Red, Green Algae provide more detailed descriptions (fact sheets) of some, but unfortunately not all southern Australian species
How is it designed?
- The arrangement of major groups —algal families— follows that of Womersley, H.B.S., 1984–2003 The Marine Benthic Flora of Southern Australia, Parts I, II, IIIA–IIID. Genera and species within a single genus are mostly placed in alphabetical order unless they are more easily identified by grouping them according to their shape.
- Where possible, commonplace language has been used in order to reduce botanical terms
What are the fact sheets for?
- Fact sheets highlight the important but often obscure characteristics of specimens that have to be found before you can confidently and correctly name species
- Beware. They are not complete descriptions of the species. Obscure reproductive criteria may be omitted. Complete descriptions can be found in Womersley’s six volumes of the marine benthic flora that must act as the final and authoritative method of identification.
- Fact sheets will give you a good start to identification, however.
How are the fact sheets arranged?
- The number at the top right designates a particular phylum and family (and occasionally for large families, a tribe) and follows a similar scheme used throughout the Herbarium to organise specimens systematically
- Icons indicate what special techniques may be needed, such as using hand lenses, sectioning and microscope work
- The Features section looks at relatively superficial features that may aid in rapid identification of the species
- Then follows the Special Requirements section, listing key features often demanding more detailed examination and skilled techniques
- Coloured images of whole plants and close-ups are included. The Australian 10¢ piece alongside images is provided as a familiar scale (it is 24 mm across)
- Microscope images showing key characteristics are found in Details of Anatomy
What are the numbers found alongside images?
- Numbers starting with “A” refer to preserved specimens in the Herbarium collection, other numbers refer to prepared microscope slides
Why are images different in colour?
- Blue images indicate the specimen has been stained with aniline blue to enhance the cell contents
- Images with black backgrounds are made with dark-field microscopy, which highlights surface and edge features
- Images with dull grey, greenish or pinkish backgrounds and bright margins are made with phase contrast or interference microscopy, which enhances colourless features such as cell walls, plastids and hairs
What is the correct way of using these fact sheets?
- You must have the specimen you intend identifying—the voucher specimen—in front of you when making an identification. It can be pressed already, but preferably a fresh or preserved sample bearing reproductive parts should also be used. You may need to dissect or view this under microscopes to get a correct identification. The State Herbarium has some facilities for this. Seek help if this is necessary as some of the techniques required can be difficult.
- To identify a major group or taxon, some simple pictured keys are provided. Then it is a matter of comparing the specimen you have with the critical features in the fact sheet.
- Ultimately you will need to compare the features of your specimen with a full description in an authoritative marine benthic flora to be certain of a correct identification.
Marine Indicator Species of Southern Australian Reefs (top)
- I. Calcareous Flat Reefs in Temperate Waters of Moderate Wave Action
- II. Reefs of Resistant Crystalline Rocks in Rough Temperate Waters
- III. Calcareous Reefs of Dune-Rock (aeolianite) in Rough Cold-Temperate Waters
- IV. Calcareous Reefs and Deep Sediments in Southern Australian Gulfs
Common Southern Australian Aquatic Organisms (top)
Major Groups
- Major marine plant groups (Phyla)
- Blue-green algae (cyanobacteria)
- Green algae
- Seagrass
- Freshwater plants
- Turf, fouling, epiphytic and parasitic organisms
Brown Algae
- Large brown algae
- Hollow brown algae
- Ribbon and strap like brown algae
- Wiry brown algae
- Worm-like brown algae
- Cystophora
- Sargassum
- Sphacelaria
Red Algae
- Bead-, sausage- and sac- shaped red algae
- Broad bladed red algae
- Common coralline red algae
- Feathery flat-branched red algae
- Felty, ropey, stringy, furry, fuzzy, fluffy red algae
- Filamentous red algae master key
- Narrow branched red algae
- Red mesh algae
- Slimy red algae
- Sponge-covered red algae
- Strap-like & narrow-leaved red algae
- Chondria and Husseya
- Laurencia and Chondrophycus
- Order Nemaliales
- Polysiphonia
Southern Australian Groups at a Glance (top)
Brown Algae
Red Algae
- Acrotylaceae
- Anotrichium
- Areschougiaceae
- Austrophyllis and Callophyllis
- Bonnemaisoniaceae
- Callophycus
- Champiaceae
- Cystocloniaceae
- Delesseriaceae
- Dicranemataceae
- Dictyomenia
- Dumontiaceae
- Gelidiaceae
- Gigartina
- Gigartinaceae
- Gracilariaceae
- Griffithsia
- Halymeniaceae
- Hildenbrandia
- Hypneaceae
- Kallymenia
- Lomentariaceae
- Mychodea
- Nemastomataceae
- Nizymenia
- Peyssonneliaceae
- Phacelocarpus
- Phyllophoraceae
- Plocamium
- Polysiphonia
- Porphyra and Pyropia
- Rhodymeniaceae
Green Algae
- Caulerpa
- Chaetomorpha
- Cladophora species group IIIA
- Cladophora species group IIIB
- Cladophora species group II
- Cladophora species group I
- Codium
- Rhizoclonium
- Ulva
Phaeophyta—brown algae (top)

Phyllospora, floats and has strap-like blades
- Acrotrichium amphibolis
- Chlanidophora microphylla
- Colpomenia ecuticulata
- Dictyopteris acrostichoides
- Dictyopteris australis
- Dictyopteris gracilis
- Dictyopteris muelleri
- Dictyopteris nigricans
- Dictyota alternifida
- Dictyota dichotoma
- Dictyota diemensis
- Dictyota fenestrata
- Dictyota furcellata
- Dictyota naevosa
- Dictyota radicans (prolifera)
- Dilophus angustus
- Dilophus crinitus
- Dilophus fastigiatus
- Dilophus gunnianus
- Dilophus marginatus
- Dilophus robustus
- Dilophus tener
- Discosporangium mesarthrocarpum
- Distromium flabellatum
- Distromium multifidum
- Elachista claytoniae
- Exallosorus olsenii
- Glossophora nigricans
- Gononema ramosum
- Halothrix ephemeralis
- Hapalospongidion capitatum
- Homoeostrichus canaliculatus
- Homoeostrichus sinclairii
- Kuetzingiella species
- Lobophora variegata
- Lobospira bicuspidata
- Mesogloiopsis tasmanica
- Myriactula caespitosa
- Myriactula filiformis
- Myrionema latipilosum
- Nereia lophoclada
- Pachydictyon paniculatum
- Pachydictyon polycladum
- Padina elegans
- Padina fraseri
- Padina gymnospora
- Padina sanctae-crucis
- Papenfussiella extensa
- Sargassum kendrickii
- Scoresbyella profunda
- Spatoglossum australasicum
- Sphacelaria chorizocarpa
- Sphacelaria multiplex
- Sphacelaria spuria
- Sphacella subtilissima
- Sporochnema tomentosum
- Strepsithalia aemula
- Strepsithalia leathesiae
- Taonia australasica
- Zonaria angustata
- Zonaria crenata
- Zonaria spiralis
- Zonaria turneriana
Rhodophyta—red algae (top)

Platoma australicum
- Acanthophora dendroides
- Acrosorium ciliolatum
- Acrosorium minus
- Acrosymphyton taylorii
- Acrotylus australis
- Adelophycus corneus
- Aeodes nitidissima
- Ahnfeltiopsis fastigiata
- Ahnfeltiopsis humilis
- Amansia mamillaris
- Amphiplexia hymenocladioides
- Amphiplexia racemosa
- Anotrichium crinitum
- Anotrichium elongatum
- Anotrichium licmophorum
- Anotrichium subtile
- Anotrichium tenue
- Anotrichium towinna
- Antithamnion diminuatum
- Antithamnion uniramosum
- Antithamnioniella glandifera
- Antrocentrum nigrescens
- Apoglossum spathulatum
- Areschougia
- Areschougia congesta
- Areschougia ligulata
- Areschougia stuartii
- Asparagopsis armata
- Asparagopsis taxiformis
- Audouinella blumii
- Audouinella nakamurae
- Austroclonium charoides
- Austrophyllis alcicornis
- Austrophyllis harveyana
- Bangia atropurpurea atropurpurea
- Bangia atropurpurea subsp. brevisegmenta
- Bead-like red algae
- Betaphycus speciosum
- Bonnemaisonia australis
- Bonnemaisonia spinescens
- Bornetia binderiana
- Bornetia tenuis
- Botryocladia sonderi
- Botryoglossum cartilagineum
- Calliblepharis planicaulis
- Callithamnion circinnatum
- Callithamnion confertum
- Callithamnion pinnatum
- Callithamnion propebyssoides
- Callophycus costatus
- Callophycus dorsifera
- Callophycus harveyanus
- Callophycus laxus
- Callophycus oppositifolius
- Callophyllis cervicornis
- Callophyllis lambertii
- Callophyllis rangiferina
- Caloglossa leprieurii
- Caloglossa ogasawaraensis
- Capreolia implexa
- Carpopeltis elata
- Carpopeltis phyllophora
- Carpopeltis spongiiplexa
- Catenella nipae
- Cephalocystis furcellata
- Ceramium cupulatum
- Ceramium wilsonii
- Chamaethamnion schizandra
- Champia affinis
- Champia insignis
- Champia parvula
- Champia viridis
- Champia zostericola
- Champiocolax lobata
- Chauviniella coriifolia
- Chondria hieroglyphica
- Chondria lanceolata
- Chondria subsecunda
- Chylocladia grandis
- Cirrulicarpus nanus
- Cirrulicarpus polycoelioides
- Claudea elegans
- Claviclonium ovatum
- Coelarthrum cliftonii
- Coelarthrum opuntia
- Coeloclonium debile
- Cottoniella fusiformis
- Craspedocarpus blepharicarpus
- Craspedocarpus ramentaceus
- Craspedocarpus tenuifolius
- Craspedocarpus venosus
- Crassilingua marginifera
- Crouania brunyana
- Cryptonemia digitata
- Cryptonemia kallymenioides
- Cryptonemia nitophylloides
- Cryptonemia undulata
- Cryptonemia wilsonii
- Curdiea angustata
- Curdiea crassa
- Curdiea obesa
- Dasya atactica
- Dasya hapalathrix
- Dasya tenuis
- Dasyphloea insignis
- Dasythamniella superbiens
- Delisea elegans
- Delisea hypneoides
- Delisea plumosa
- Delisea pulchra
- Dichotomaria australis
- Dichotomaria obtusata
- Dichotomaria spathulata (Galaxaura marginata)
- Dicranema cincinnalis
- Dicranema revolutum
- Dicroglossum crispatulum
- Doxodasya hirta
- Dudresnaya australis
- Episporium centroceratis
- Erythroclonium angustatum
- Erythroclonium muelleri
- Erythroclonium sedoides
- Erythroclonium sonderi
- Erythronaema ceramioides
- Erythronema ceramioides
- Erythrotrichia ligulata
- Erythrymenia minuta
- Faucheopsis coronata
- Ganonema codii
- Ganonema farinosum
- Gelidiella antipai
- Gelidiella ramellosa
- Gelidium asperum
- Gelidium australe
- Gelidium crinale
- Gelinaria ulvoidea
- Gibsmithia womersleyi
- Gigartina brachiata
- Gigartina densa
- Gigartina disticha
- Gigartina muelleriana
- Gigartina pinnata
- Gigartina recurva
- Gigartina sonderi
- Gigartina wehliae
- Glaphyrymenia pustulosa
- Gloiocladia australis
- Gloiocladia fruticulosa
- Gloiocladia halymenioides
- Gloiocladia polycladia
- Gloiophloea rosea
- Gloiophloea scinaioides
- Gloiophyllis barkeriae
- Gloiosaccion brownii
- Gracilariopsis lemaneiformis
- Grateloupia intestinalis
- Grateloupia ovata
- Grateloupia subpectinata
- Griffithsia balara
- Griffithsia crassiuscula
- Griffithsia elegans
- Griffithsia grandis
- Griffithsia gunniana
- Griffithsia monilis
- Griffithsia ovalis
- Griffithsia pilalyea
- Griffithsia pulvinata
- Griffithsia teges
- Gymnogongrus crenulatus
- Gymnogongrus griffithsieae
- Gymnothamnion nigrescens
- Halicnide similans
- Halopeltis australis
- Halopeltis cuneata
- Halopeltis cuneata (halymenioides)
- Halopeltis verrucosa
- Halymenia floresia
- Halymenia kraftii
- Halymenia muelleri
- Halymenia plana
- Haraldia australica
- Haraldiophyllum erosum
- Haraldiophyllum nottii
- Helminthocladia australis
- Helminthocladia beaugleholei
- Helminthocladia densa
- Helminthocladia dotyi
- Helminthora australis
- Helminthora lindaueri
- Hemineura frondosa
- Hennedya crispa
- Heterodoxia denticulata
- Heterostroma nereidiis
- Heterothamnion platythalieae
- Heterothamnion sessile
- Hildenbrandia crouaniorum
- Hildenbrandia lecannellieri
- Hildenbrandia patula
- Hildenbrandia rubra
- Hirsutithallia abaxialis
- Hormophora australasica
- Hymenena affinis
- Hymenena curdieana
- Hymenena endiviaefolia
- Hymenena multipartita
- Hymenocladia chondricola
- Hymenocladia divaricata
- Hymenocladia filiformis
- Hymenocladia usnea
- Hypnea charoides
- Hypnea filiformis
- Hypnea ramentacea
- Hypnea valentiae
- Hypoglossum armatum
- Hypoglossum dendroides
- Hypoglossum harveyanum
- Hypoglossum harveyanum var fimbriatum
- Hypoglossum heterocystideum
- Hypoglossum protendens
- Hypoglossum revolutum
- Interthamnion attenuatum
- Kallymenia cribrogloea
- Kallymenia cribrosa
- Kallymenia rubra
- Kallymenia spinosa
- Kallymenia tasmanica
- Kraftia dichotoma
- Laurencia distichophylla
- Leptophyllis conferta
- Leptosomia rosea
- Liagora harveyana
- Liagora wilsoniana
- Lomentaria australis
- Lomentaria monochlamydea
- Lomentaria pyramidalis
- Lophosiphonia obscura
- Martensia australis
- Melanema dumosum
- Melanthalia abscissa
- Melanthalia concinna
- Melanthalia obtusata
- Micropeuce proxima
- Micropeuce sarcocaulon
- Mychodea acanthymenia
- Mychodea acicularis
- Mychodea australis
- Mychodea carnosa
- Mychodea disticha
- Mychodea gracilaria
- Mychodea hamata
- Mychodea marginifera
- Mychodea pusilla
- Mychodea ramulosa
- Mychodea spinulifera
- Myriogramme cartilaginea
- Myriogramme gunniana
- Naccaria
- Nanopera merrifieldiae
- Nemalion helmithoides
- Nitophyllum crispum
- Nitophyllum fallax
- Nitophyllum pulchellum
- Nitospinosa littledipensis
- Nitospinosa pristoidea
- Nitospinosa tasmanica
- Nizymenia australis
- Nizymenia conferta
- Nizymenia furcata
- Nothogenia fastigiata
- Pachymenia orbicularis
- Peltasta australis
- Peyssonnelia boudouresquei
- Peyssonnelia capensis
- Peyssonnelia dubyi
- Peyssonnelia foliosa
- Peyssonnelia inamoena
- Peyssonnelia novae-hollandiae
- Peyssonnelia splendens
- Phitymophora amansioides
- Phitymophora hypoglossum
- Phycodrys australasica
- Pityophycos tasmanica
- Placophora binderi
- Platoma australicum
- Platoma foliosum
- Platyclinia crenulata
- Platyclinia stipitata
- Pollexfenia crispata
- Pollexfenia lobata
- Pollexfenia pedicellata
- Polycoelia laciniata
- Polyopes constrictus
- Polyopes tasmanicus
- Polyopes tenuis
- Polysiphonia brevisegmenta
- Polysiphonia haplodasyae
- Polysiphonia propagulifera
- Polysiphonia teges
- Porphyra columbina
- Porphyra lucasii
- Porphyra woolhousiae
- Porphyridium purpureum
- Predaea huismanii
- Pterocladia lucida
- Pterocladia rectangularis
- Pterocladiella (Pterocladia) capillacea
- Pterocladiella minima
- Pterothamnion flexile
- Ptilocladia gracilis
- Ptilonia australasica
- Ptilonia subulifera
- Ptilophora prolifera
- Rhabdonia clavigera
- Rhabdonia coccinea
- Rhabdonia verticillata
- Rhipidothamnion secundum
- Rhodoglossum gigartinoides
- Rhodopeltis australis
- Rhodophyllis membranacea
- Rhodophyllis multipartita
- Rhodophyllis volans
- Rhodymenia cuneata
- Rhodymenia foliifera
- Rhodymenia halymeniodes
- Rhodymenia leptophylla
- Rhodymenia obtusa
- Rhodymenia prolificans
- Rhodymenia stenoglossa
- Rhodymeniocolax austrina
- Robea costata
- Sarcodia marginata
- Sarconema filiforme
- Sarcothalia crassifolia
- Sarcothalia insidiosa
- Sarcothalia radula
- Scageliopsis patens
- Schizoseris bombayensis
- Schizoseris hymenena
- Schizoseris perriniae
- Schizoseris tasmanica
- Schizymenia dubyi
- Schottera nicaeensis
- Scinaia acuta
- Scinaia arborealis
- Scinaia proliferata
- Scinaia tsinglanensis
- Semnocarpa corynephora
- Semnocarpa minuta
- Solieria robusta
- Solieria tenera
- Sonderopelta coriacea
- Stenogramme interrupta
- Stenogramme leptophylla
- Stictosporum nitophylloides
- Sympodophyllum reinboldii
- Taenioma perpusillum
- Thamnoclonium dichotomum
- Thamnophyllis lacerata
- Tikvahiella candida
- Tolypiocladia penningtonensis
- Trematocarpus affinis
- Trematocarpus concinnus
- Tsengia comosa
- Tsengia feredayae
- Tsengia laingii
- Tylocolax microcarpus
- Tylotus obtusatus
- Webervanbossea kaliformis
- Webervanbossea splachnoides
- Webervanbossea tasmanensis
- Womersleya monanthos
- Zymurgia chondriopsidea
Chlorophyta—green algae (top)

Ulva lactuca
- Acetabularia calyculus
- Acetabularia peniculus
- Apjohnia laetevirens
- Avrainvillea clavatiramea
- Blidingia marginata
- Blidingia minima
- Bryopsis australis
- Bryopsis foliosa
- Bryopsis gemellipara
- Bryopsis macraildii
- Bryopsis minor
- Bryopsis plumosa
- Bryopsis vestita
- Callipsygma wilsonis
- Caulerpa alternans
- Caulerpa brownii
- Caulerpa cactoides
- Caulerpa cliftonii
- Caulerpa distichophylla
- Caulerpa ellistoniae
- Caulerpa flexilis
- Caulerpa hedleyi
- Caulerpa hodgkinsoniae
- Caulerpa longifolia
- Caulerpa obscura
- Caulerpa papillosa
- Caulerpa racemosa var. cylindracea
- Caulerpa remotifolia
- Caulerpa scalpelliformis
- Caulerpa sedoides
- Caulerpa simpliciuscula
- Caulerpa taxifolia
- Caulerpa trifaria
- Caulerpa vesiculifera
- Chaetomorpha aerea
- Chaetomorpha billardieri
- Chaetomorpha capillaris
- Chaetomorpha coliformis
- Chaetomorpha indica
- Chaetomorpha linum
- Chaetomorpha melagonium
- Chaetomorpha valida
- Chlorodesmis baculifera
- Cladophora aegagropiloidea
- Cladophora rhizoclonioidea
- Cladophoropsis herpestica
- Cladophoropsis magna
- Cladophoropsis membranacea
- Codium apiculatum
- Codium australicum
- Codium capitulatum
- Codium dimorphum
- Codium duthieae
- Codium fragile
- Codium galeatum
- Codium harveyi
- Codium laminarioides
- Codium lucasii
- Codium mamillosum
- Codium muelleri
- Codium perriniae
- Codium pomoides
- Codium silvae
- Codium spinescens
- Codium spongiosum
- Dasycladus densus
- Derbesia marina, Halicystis ovalis
- Derbesia tenuissima, Halicystis ovalis
- Dictyosphaeria sericea
- Enteromorpha clathrata
- Enteromorpha compressa
- Enteromorpha flexuosa
- Enteromorpha intestinalis
- Enteromorpha linza
- Enteromorpha paradoxa
- Enteromorpha prolifera
- Enteromorpha ralfsii
- Entocladia viridis
- Halimeda cuneata
- Lamprothamion papulosum
- Microdictyon umbilicatum
- Palmellaceae
- Pedobesia clavaeformis
- Percursaria percursa
- Prasiola crispa
- Prasiola stipitata
- Pseudochlorodesmis australis
- Pseudocodium australasicum
- Rhipilia pusilla
- Rhipiliopsis peltata
- Rhipiliopsis robusta
- Rhizoclonium curvatum
- Rhizoclonium implexicum
- Rhizoclonium riparium
- Rhizoclonium tortuosum
- Rosenvingiella polyrhiza
- Sporocladopsis (Pilinia) novae-zelandieae
- Struvea plumosa
- Ulothrix subflaccida
- Ulva australis
- Ulva fasciata
- Ulva lactuca
- Ulva rigida
- Ulva spathulata
- Ulva taeniata
- Ulvaria oxysperma
- Ulvaria shepherdii
- Uronema marinum
- Urospora penicilliformis
- Wittrockiella salina
© 2024 Board of the Botanic Gardens and State Herbarium (Adelaide, South Australia) |