Flora of South Australia, 5th edition (edited by J. Kellermann)
(1) Most recent versions of the published Flora treatments
- Amaranthaceae (version 2) – 7.9MB
- Asteraceae partly (version 1) – 6.2MB
– tribes Cardueae, Cichorieae (formerly Lactuceae), Helenieae & Tageteae - Berberidaceae (version 2) – 750KB
- Brassicaceae (partly) (version 1) – 8.6MB
– genus Lepidium - Cannabaceae (version 1) – 3.3MB
- Centrolepidaceae (version 2) – 1.3MB
- Chenopodiaceae (version 1) – 17MB
- Commelinaceae (version 2) – 680KB
- Convolvulaceae (version 2) – 2.9MB
- Cucurbitaceae (version 1) – 2MB
- Droseraceae (version 1) – 3.1MB
- Elaeocarpaceae (version 1) – 1.3MB
- Fabaceae partly (version 1) – 33.5MB
– tribes Bossiaeeae, Brongniartieae, Mirbelieae & Indigofereae - Gunneraceae (version 1) – 780KB
- Hydatellaceae (version 1) – 550KB
- Juglandaceae (version 1) – 1.3MB
- Loganiaceae (version 2) – 1.3MB
- Loranthaceae (version 1) – 3.3MB
- Myrtaceae partly (version 1) – 33.8MB
– eucalypts: Angophora, Corymbia & Eucalyptus - Papaveraceae partly (version 2) – 650KB
– subfam. Fumarioideae - Passifloraceae (version 2) – 1.2MB
- Picrodendraceae (version 1) – 1.2MB
- Ranunculaceae (version 2) – 2.8MB
- Santalaceae (version 1) – 3.7MB
- Tamaricaceae (version 1) – 950KB
- Ulmaceae (version 1) – 3.9MB
- Xyridaceae (version 1) – 610KB
(2) Additional Flora chapters & files
- Introduction (version 1) – 380KB
- Key to families (version 1) – 450KB
- Glossary (version 1) – 1.6MB
- Cover pages – 1.4MB
(3) Superseded previous versions of treatments (now out-of-date)
- Amaranthaceae (version 1) – 7.2MB
- Berberidaceae (version 1) – 710KB
- Centrolepidaceae (version 1) – 1.1MB
- Commelinaceae (version 1) – 440KB
- Convolvulaceae (version 1) – 1.2MB
- Loganiaceae (version 1) – 1.3MB
- Papaveraceae partly (version 1) – 410KB
– subfam. Fumarioideae
- Passifloraceae (version 1) – 340KB
- Ranunculaceae (version 1) – 1.6MB
Selected scans from four-volume 4th edition of the Flora of South Australia (edited by J.P. Jessop & H.R. Toelken) are available here
- History of botany in South Australia – 900KB
- Compositae (Asteraceae) – Key to genera – 380KB
Identification keys to South Australian plants are available on KeyBase. The Flora of South Australia KeyBase project contains
- The key to plant families from the 5th edition to the Flora
- Keys to genera and species of all published treatments of the 5th edition (see PDFs above), as well as keys for Poaceae from Grasses of South Australia (2006)
- Keys to genera for the remaining plant families are taken from the printed 4th edition of the Flora of South Australia, some keys have been updated.
- Keys to species for many other genera are currently being uploaded.
Note that the 4th and 5th edition of the Flora use different family classifications. While most family circumscriptions have not changes, a couple of families have been re-arranged.
Key to University of Adelaide campus plants by J.G. Conran is available on KeyBase (click here). The identification key is for vascular plants growing on the North Terrace campus of the University. (This version was last updated in Sep. 2020).
Identification Fact Sheets of the Marine Benthic Flora of Southern Australia — the pictorial keys and fact sheets developed by R.N. (Bob) Baldock to aid in the identification of species from the rich algal diversity of our southern Australian coasts — popularly known as Algae Revealed. Temporarily hosted on Know OurPlants until the new Flora of South Australia is online.