Salt marsh restoration on Torrens Island

It’s All About the Plants
Tuesday, 3 November 2015, 10:00–12:00
Ground Floor Meeting Room
State Herbarium of South Australia
Old Tram Barn Building, Hackney Road

by Doug Fotheringham
State Herbarium of South Australia

Turning sand dunes into salt marshes on Torrens Island. What happened then and how does it look 25 years later.

Doug is the newly appointed Hon. Research Associate of the State Herbarium of South Australia and will speak about his involvement with the restoration of the vegetation of the island and his recent visit in Aug. 2015.

The same site on Torrens Island in 1988 (left) and 2015 (right). (Photos D. Fotheringham)

All Herbarium staff, honoraries, volunteers, students and guests welcome. Morning tea provided.