The State Herbarium of South Australia published two articles on nomenclature and typification, in Vol. 33 of its journal Swainsona online, today 19 Oct. 2020.
(1) F.E. Guard, M.D. Barrett, A. Frid, M. Smith & T. Lebel. Validation of two fungal names in Marasmius Fr. (Marasmiaceae). (88kb PDF).
When publishing two species of fungi, the authors omitted to mention the herbarium, where the type specimen is stored. According to the Code of Nomenclature for algae, fungi, and plants, this renders the name invalid. This SHORT COMMUNICATION rectifies the error and published the two fungi names again, following the rules.
(2) D.C. Cargill & K. Beckmann. Typification and identity of Riccia macrospora Stephani (Ricciaceae). (5.2mb PDF).
The authors discuss the type specimens of the liverwort Riccia macrospora, with the result that the specimens deposited in four herbaria represent two different taxa: only the specimens in the herbaria in Geneva and the Natural History Museum, London, are R. macrospora, the other specimens from Melbourne and Adelaide are another entity, possibly a new taxon.

Riccia macrospora, SEM image of the characteristic spores (lectotype, G). Photo: C. Cargill.
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