Category Archives: Publications

New Journal article, Apr. 2014

Drosera murfetii in the Hartz Mountains, Tas.

Yesterday, 1 Apr. 2014, the second paper of Vol. 27 (2014) was published in the online edition of the Journal of the Adelaide Botanic Gardens.

Drosera murfetii (Droseraceae), a new species from Tasmania, Australia (2.8MB)
by A. Lowrie & J.G. Conran
describes the “giant alpine sundew”, a new species of Drosera from southern Tasmania, related to Drosera arcturi.

To access content of all volumes of the Journal of the Adelaide Botanic Gardens since 1976, please visit the journal’s web-site at


Seagrass book published

State Herbarium of South Australia’s Chief Botanist Michelle Waycott and her co-authors Kathryn McMahon & Paul Lavery (Edith Cowan University) published their new handbook to southern temperate seagrasses last month.

A guide to southern temperate seagrasses
M. Waycott, K. McMahon & P. Lavery
CSIRO Publishing, $29.95

Title pageThe book describes the exceptionally diverse seagrasses in the temperate parts of the southern hemisphere, i.e. off the coasts of southern Australia, New Zealand, southern South America and southern Africa. It introduces readers to the evolution, biology and ecology of these plants and presents detailed information on each species, with many photographs and drawings.

This is the second book in a series of guidebooks on the seagrasses of the world. The first volume was entitled A guide to tropical seagrasses of the Indo-West Pacific, published in 2004 by James Cook University.

The current volume can be purchased via the CSIRO web-site or in well-stocked bookshops. A limited preview of several pages is also available on the web-site.

New Journal article, Feb. 2014

Today, 18 Feb. 2014, the first paper of Vol. 27 (2014) was published in the online edition of the Journal of the Adelaide Botanic Gardens.

Placynthium australiense sp. nov. (lichenised Ascomycota, Placynthiaceae) from South Australia
by P.M. McCarthy & G. Kantvilas
describes a new species of lichen from the Murray River region of South Australia.

To access content of all volumes of the Journal of the Adelaide Botanic Gardens since 1976, please visit the journal’s web-site at

Illustraion by Pat McCarthy

Placynthium australiense

Fruit salad at the Museum

Rotgestreifte Gewürz Reinette

Recently, a new book was published, documenting the historical collection of fruit models in the Museum of Economic Botany, Adelaide Botanic Gardens. The Museum holds one of the most complete collection of apples, pears and stone-fruit (plums and apricots) manufactured by Heinrich Arnoldi & Co. in Germany.

Kanellos, T. (2013). Imitation of life — a visual catalogue of the 19th century fruit models in the Santos Museum of Economic Botany in the Adelaide Botanic Garden: a collection of papier mâché models made by Heinrich Arnoldi & Co. Gotha, Germany (1856–1899). (Board of the Botanic Gardens and State Herbarium: Adelaide).

All 360 painted papier mâché fruit models are depicted in beautiful full page photographs by Paul Atkins. The accompanying text by Tony Kanellos, Cultural Collections Manager and Curator of the Museum, describes the history of the collection and of its manufacturer.

The book is available from the reception at the Goodman Building, Hackney Road (phone 08 8222 9311 for mail orders), from the Diggers Garden Shop in the Adelaide Botanic Gardens, and selected booksellers. Retail price $69.

Update: Imitation of Life won The Museums Australia Multimedia and Publication Design Award for 2014.

New journal articles, Nov. 2013

Today, 21 Nov. 2013, the last two articles of this year’s volume of the Journal of the Adelaide Botanic Gardens were published online.

Calandrinia mirabilis

David Eric Symon (1920-2011)
by R.M. Barker
reviews the taxonomic work of this well known botanist and former Hon. Associate of the State Herbarium of South Australia, incl. a complete list of his publications and an overview of his plant collections.

Calandrinia mirabilis (Portulacaceae), a spectacular new species from Western Australia with notes on its ecology, seed germination and horticultural potential
by J.G. West & R.J. Chinnock
describes a fascinating new species from arid Western Australia; the article also includes a full-page colour plate by Gilbert Dashorst.

To access content of all volumes of the Journal of the Adelaide Botanic Gardens since 1976, please visit the journal web-site at