The revised edition of the Field Guide to the Plants of Outback South Australia is now available. The first edition of the book was written by Frank Kutsche and Brendan Lay and published in 2003 by the Pastoral Program. It was out-of-print for almost 15 years.
The State Herbarium of South Australia partnered with the Pastoral Unit (Department for Environment and Water), to produce this new second edition, which was revised by Tim Croft and Jürgen Kellermann from the State Herbarium. It has been completely reformatted and newly type-set, all plant names have been updated, descriptions were revised, photos were added or replaced with better images. Ten more species were added to the book.
This comprehensive field guide draws together the knowledge of the more common plants within the outback region of South Australia (the area north of a line from the Murray River to Morgan, across to Pt Augusta and westwards to the W.A. border). 356 of the most common outback plants are described and illustrated (incl. 24 introduced weeds). 212 of these plants are featured with full page descriptions, the others have shorter treatments. Distribution maps are provided. All species are arranged by their life form (trees, shrubs, forbs, grasses, climbers, etc.) for easier identification.
It is for sale at the OPENBOOK HOWDEN online bookshop, as well as the Botanic Gardens reception desk (Goodman Building, Hackney Road, Adelaide). It will also be available from selected bookshops, retail outlets, roadhouses and tourist informations. A full list of shops, where the book can be purchased in person, will be published on the Outback Book web-page.
Kutsche, F., Lay, B., Croft, T. & Kellermann, J. (2023). Field guide to the Plants of Outback South Australia (second revised edition). (State Herbarium of South Australia: Adelaide).
The field guide has 320 pages; binding is section-sown and the book has a vinyl outer cover for protection against the environment.
Retail price is $44 (incl. GST).
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