Edited by W.R. Barker & P.J.M. Greenslade.
1982. Published by Peacock Publications, South Australia, in association with Australian Systematic Botany Society and ANZAAS , South Australian Division. Soft cover, 392 + vii pp.
Proceedings of a symposium of the same title held in Adelaide over three days in 1980. With 42 papers. Includes summative papers on physical and vegetational environment by authorities in field including seminal papers by Henry Nix (climatic determinants of broad distribution in the biota), Jim Bowler (on aridity in late Tertiary and Quaternary) and Richard Schodde on the bird fauna, as well as a feted “Summary and redintegration” by Professor Spinny Smith-White.
Front and back cover, table contents as a pdf.
Now out of print, but copies available from Bill Barker at $20 plus postage and handling.
Please note that all copies are prone to breaking apart at the spine. It was the time publishers feted “magic binding” and “no need for stitching”, which quickly fell out of vogue.