Category Archives: Publications

New journal articles: April 2021

Stenanthemum leucophractum, growing in Wanilla Settlement Reserve (Eyre Peninsula). Photo: J. Kellermann.

The State Herbarium of South Australia published three articles in Vol. 35 of its journal Swainsona online, today, 7 April 2021. In these articles, State Herbarium botanist Dr Jürgen Kellermann and colleagues, continue the publication of results of the research project on Australian Rhamnaceae, which is funded by the Australian Biological Resources Study, Canberra (ABRS).

(1) J. Kellermann, Further lectotypifications and nomenclatural notes on Rhamnaceae from northern Australia. (8mb PDF).

Ventilago ecorollata from rainforests in eastern Queensland. Line drawing by Anita Barley.

In this paper, the nomenclature and typification of seven species of Rhamnaceae from genera occuring in northern Australia, is discussed and lectotypes are chosen for some of them. Several species are illustrated with excellent line-drawings by Anita Barley (see below).

(2) J. Kellermann & K.R. Thiele, The other ‘propeller plant’ – Notes on Stenanthemum Reissek (Rhamnaceae: Pomaderreae) and a key to the genus in Australia. (3.2mb PDF).

The genus Stenanthemum was reinstated by Western Australian botanist Barbara Rye, who also published several new species in 1995, 2001 and 2007. While she provided detailed descriptions of all new species and subspecies, no recent descriptions are available for most of the already existing taxa. These ten plants are treated in this paper by Jürgen Kellermann and Kevin Thiele, who also select lectotypes for most of them and present a key to all species of the genus in Australia.

(3) J. Kellermann, The importance of the ‘h’ – Parahomonymy in Trymalium (Rhamnaceae: Pomaderreae. (2.2mb PDF).

Spyridium daphnoides, formerly known as S. spathulatum, from Deep Creek Conservation Park (Fleurieu Peninsula). Photo: J. Kellermann.

The history of the species names Trymalium spatulatum (Labill.) G.Don from Western Australia and T. spathulatum F.Muell., the basionym of Spyridium spathulatum (F.Muell.) Benth., from South Australia is discussed. The author concludes that the names are so similar that they are likely to be confused and that they should be treated as homonyms under the International Code of Nomenclature (ICN). This means that the current name for the South Australian species is illegitimate and needs to be replaced by the new combination S. daphnoides (Reissek) Kellermann, which is published in this paper.

To access content of all volumes of Swainsona and the Journal of the Adelaide Botanic Gardens since Vol. 1 (1976), please visit the journal’s web-site at

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New Journal articles: Dec. 2020

Swainsona katjarra, a new species from Western Australia. Photo: K. Brown.

The State Herbarium of South Australia published three articles in Vol. 33 of its journal
Swainsona online, today 22 Dec. 2020: A paper on the genus Swainsona in Western Australia, and two papers on nomenclature and typification in the plant family Rhamnaceae.

This volume of the journal concludes with these articles; hardcopy of Vol. 33 will be printed within the next few months.

(1) J. Kellermann, Nomenclatural notes on the Alphitonia Group in Australia (Rhamnaceae). (3.4mb PDF).

The Alphitonia Group consists of four genera from Australia and the Malesian/Pacific region: Alphitonia (10-15 spp.), Emmenosperma (5 spp.), Granitites (1 sp.) and Jaffrea (2 spp.). The nomenclature and tyification of seven species are clarified in this paper.

(2) R.W. Davies & T.A. Hammer, A key to species of Swainsona (Fabaceae) in Western Australia and description of S. katjarra from the Little Sandy Desert region, Western Australia. (1.7mb PDF).

In this paper, a new dichotomous identification key to all 50 species and phrase names of the iconic genus Swainsona is presented. A new species from Katjarra (Carnarvon Range) in the LIttle Sandy Desert (Birriliburu Indigenous Protected Area) is also described. (A survey of the flora of Katjarra was published in 2014; 3.6mb PDF).

(3) J. Kellermann & F. Udovicic, A review of Colletieae and Discaria (Rhamnaceae) in Australia. (1.1mb PDF).

The authors describe the two species of Discaria in Australia and review the nomenclature and typification of D. pubescens; the type of the species is a rare and unusual example of a pre-1959 holotype. This species occurs in Tasmania, Victoria, N.S.W. and southern Queensland. The second species, D. nitida, has a more restricted distribution in the high country of Victoria and New South Wales. In areas where the distribution overlaps, sometimes hybrid plants can be found. The genus has also one species in New Zealand, D. toumatou, and three in extra-tropical South America: D. americanaD. articulata and D.chacaye.

Flowers of the Queensland tree Alphitonia petriei. Drawing by Anita Barley.

During the next year, 2021, the State Herbarium will publish two volumes of Swainsona:

  • Vol. 34 will contain several historical monographs, the first of which was published recently.
  • Vol. 35 will contain regular papers.

To access content of all volumes of Swainsona and the Journal of the Adelaide Botanic Gardens since Vol. 1 (1976), please visit the journal’s web-site at, JSTOR or the Swainsona back-up site.

New journal articles: Nov. 2020

The new species Cryptandra sabulicola, showing leaves with the typical recurved tips. Photo: J. Kellermann.

The State Herbarium of South Australia published two articles in its journal Swainsona online, today 12 Nov. 2020. The first article is published in Vol. 33, which contains regular papers for the years 2019 and 2020; the second article is published in the new Vol. 34, a special issue of the journal that will contain several papers on botanical history.

(1) J. Kellermann, Three species of Cryptandra (Rhamnaceae: Pomaderreae) from southern Australia allied to C. tomentosa(4.4mb PDF).

Vol. 33. — The author describes two new species of Cryptandra: C. setifera is restricted to rocky habitats in the north of Eyre Peninsula, extending to the Gawler Ranges, it was so far known as Cryptandra sp. Hiltaba; C. sabulicola is native to deep sands in northern Eyre Peninsula and on both sides of the South Australian-Victorian border, especially in and around the Billiat Conservation Park (C.P.), Murray-Sunset National Park (N.P.) and the Big Desert. A third species, C. campanulata Schltdl. is formally reinstated, if grows in rocky habitats of the northern Mount Lofty Ranges and southern Flinders Ranges. All species are related to C. tomentosa.

Illustrations from a sketchbook of Mueller’s nice Marie Wehl: a Pultenaea and two species of Melaleuca. Photo: Royal Botanic Gardens Victoria.

(2) J.L. Dowe, T.W. May, S. Maroske & L.T. Smith, The Wehl family of South Australia and their botanical connections with ‘Dear Uncle’ Baron Ferdinand von Mueller. (10.5mb PDF).

Journal cover with fungi illustrations by Marie Wehl. Australian Garden History Society.

Vol. 34. — The family of Ferdinand von Mueller‘s sister Clara Wehl collected specimens for him and also illustrated the plants and fungi that they collected. In this paper, John Dowe and co-authors provide a brief history of the Wehl family in South Australia and assess the herbarium specimens that they collected, as well as the illustrations by Mueller’s nieces Marie and Henrietta, determine the connections between them and their importance for the typification of several species.

The authors have also recently published a short overview of the Wehl family’s contribution to botany in Australian Garden History, Oct. 2020.


To access content of all volumes of Swainsona and the Journal of the Adelaide Botanic Gardens since Vol. 1 (1976), please visit the journal’s web-site at, JSTOR or the Swainsona back-up site.

Contributed by State Herbarium botanist Jürgen Kellermann.

New journal articles, Oct. 2020

The State Herbarium of South Australia published two articles on nomenclature and typification, in Vol. 33 of its journal Swainsona online, today 19 Oct. 2020.

(1) F.E. Guard, M.D. Barrett, A. Frid, M. Smith & T. Lebel. Validation of two fungal names in Marasmius Fr. (Marasmiaceae). (88kb PDF).

When publishing two species of fungi, the authors omitted to mention the herbarium, where the type specimen is stored. According to the Code of Nomenclature for algae, fungi, and plants, this renders the name invalid. This SHORT COMMUNICATION rectifies the error and published the two fungi names again, following the rules.

(2) D.C. Cargill & K. Beckmann. Typification and identity of Riccia macrospora Stephani (Ricciaceae). (5.2mb PDF).

The authors discuss the type specimens of the liverwort Riccia macrospora, with the result that the specimens deposited in four herbaria represent two different taxa: only the specimens in the herbaria in Geneva and the Natural History Museum, London, are R. macrospora, the other specimens from Melbourne and Adelaide are another entity, possibly a new taxon.

Riccia macrospora, SEM image of the characteristic spores (lectotype, G). Photo: C. Cargill.

To access content of all volumes of Swainsona and the Journal of the Adelaide Botanic Gardens since Vol. 1 (1976), please visit the journal’s web-site at, JSTOR or the Swainsona back-up site.

2019-20 Weeds Report now available

The State Herbarium of South Australia documents all known plant taxa (species, sub-species, varieties and forms) native and naturalised (weedy) in South Australia. These taxa are listed in the Census of South Australian Plants, Algae and Fungi. All newly discovered State and regional records are added to the Census throughout the year. The records are based on preserved plant specimens, verified by a botanists, and housed in the vaults of the State Herbarium.

Hedera hibernica at Leg of Mutton Lake, Mount Gambier. Photo: A. Laslett.

For all new records of non-native plants, an annual report is produced by the Weeds Botanist Chris Brodie and colleagues from the State Herbarium. The report includes the list of new weeds recorded for South Australia with locations, descriptions, and photographs. Also documented are updates to other taxa that have had a change in distribution, weed status or name. Other activities carried out by Weeds Botanist are also summarised, such as field trips or presentations to community groups.

The latest report is now available online:

Brodie, C.J., Lang, P.J., Vonow, H.P. & Waycott, M. (2020). Regional Landscape Surveillance for New Weed Threats Project, 2019-2020: Annual report on new plant naturalisations in South Australia. (16mb PDF).

Also available for download are last year’s 2018-19 report (4.2mb PDF), as well as the reports for 2017-18 (4.5mb PDF), 2016-17 (3.8mb PDF) and a compilation of all reports from 2010 to 2016 (3.7mb PDF).

These reports highlights to land managers, which non-native plant species have recently been found in South Australia and where. New records are listed as either “naturalised/established” (*) or “questionably naturalised/established” (?e).

Isopogon latifolius, naturalised in South Australia. Photo: C.J. Brodie.

Naturalised plant taxa are those that have originally been introduced by humans to an area, deliberately or accidentally. They have self-propagated without aid where they are not wanted, possibly spreading by natural means to new areas. Examples listed in the recent report is Hedera hibernica (Irish ivy Link here) from Europe and the closely related Hedera algeriensis (Algerian ivy), originally from Northern Africa. Both of are examples of garden plants that have become weedy (see also a 1985 article by P.M. Kloot; 733kb PDF). Australian species can also become weeds, with Isopogon latifolius (Drumsticks) and Eucalyptus salubris (Gimlet) both from WA.

Questionably Naturalised plant taxa (i.e. possible new weeds) are introduced non-native plants that may be self-propagating without aid, but are not well established or lack data to classify them as naturalised. An example of this are Gasteria obliqua (Lawyer’s tongue) and the hybrid Populus ×canescens (Grey poplar).

At the end of June 2020, there were 5134 vascular plant taxa recognised in South Australia, of which 1611 are weeds, i.e. 31%. This year, 17 new weeds have been added to the Census; and over the last ten years, Chris Brodie’s weed surveys have discovered 236 new naturalised plants.

Any unknown or possible new state or regional weed records should be reported to Chris Brodie (0437 825 685, If you have permission from the landowner, you could press a plant, record collection data, and submit a preserved plant specimen for identification.

The pressed plant or part thereof should consist of stems with leaves attached and preferably flowers and/or fruit. Collection data includes, plant location, habitat, frequency, height and width, colour and smell, and what the plant looks like when alive and growing. Images can also help in identifying plants. Also include the date, your name and contact details.

Please use the pro-forma collection sheet (available as single page: 200kb PDF, or for double-sided printing: 220kb PDF) in pencil and submit it together with the pressed plant specimen.

Compiled by State Herbarium
weeds botanist Chris Brodie.