Botany 2016—symposium details

On 14–15 April, 2016 a special symposium to celebrate the Past, Present and Future of Botanical Research associated with the State Herbarium of South Australia will be held as a part of the SA NRM Science Conference. Following the symposium, a special issue of the then, newly renamed journal Swainsona will be published containing short review papers of many […]

Life in the sea: A mini-mesh plant

State Herbarium Hon. Associate Bob Baldock from our Phycology Unit provided these photographs of Thuretia australasica. This small, red alga was found attached to the stems of a seagrass collected at the Head of the Great Australian Bight in 2010. At first glance the plant appears mundane, even uninteresting. But, under the microscope, a delicate mesh of […]

Life in the sea: Miniscule and mysterious

State Herbarium Hon. Research Associate Bob Baldock reports on the following two images. They depict not a sea shell, or a coral, but a red coralline alga — no more than 2 mm tall! It was found scattered on the fine branches of a brown alga, Cystophora (2.6MB Algae Revealed fact-sheet) from 20 m deep […]

Life in the pond: Bloomin’ algae

State Herbarium staff member Carolyn Ricci and Hon. Research Associate Bob Baldock from the Algae Unit report on algae found in the new Botanic Gardens stormwater recycling ponds: this time on a species of Vaucheria… A dark green, velvety patch about 1.5 m across has appeared on the banks of the northernmost wetland storage pond. It stands […]

Life in the pond: Leibleinia

Bob Baldock reports on algae found in the Botanic Gardens recycle-ponds: this time on a spiral blue-green alga that entwines a green alga! Leibleinia epiphytica (arrowed in photograph) is a cosmopolitan, extremely thin, thread-like photosynthetic bacterium (Cyanophyte, or blue-green alga) that wraps itself around threads of other algae. Here it has embraced the common green alga, […]