New journal articles, Oct 2013

Euphrasia amplidens

Euphrasia amplidens

Today, 24 Oct. 2013, the Journal of the Adelaide Botanic Gardens published two scientific papers online.

Euphrasia amplidens (Orobanchaceae), a new and very localised species from western Tasmania (1.35MB)
by W.R. Barker, M. Wapstra & B. French

Notes on Hibbertia subg. Hemistemma (Dilleniaceae) 9. The eastern Australian H. vestita group, including H. pedunculata and H. serpyllifolia (1.69MB)
by H.R. Toelken

19 new species and subspecies from Queensland, New South Wales, Victoria and Tasmania are published in these articles.

To access content of all volumes of the Journal of the Adelaide Botanic Gardens since 1976, please visit the journal web-site at