Author Archives: Jürgen

New journal articles, Nov. 2013

Today, 21 Nov. 2013, the last two articles of this year’s volume of the Journal of the Adelaide Botanic Gardens were published online.

Calandrinia mirabilis

David Eric Symon (1920-2011)
by R.M. Barker
reviews the taxonomic work of this well known botanist and former Hon. Associate of the State Herbarium of South Australia, incl. a complete list of his publications and an overview of his plant collections.

Calandrinia mirabilis (Portulacaceae), a spectacular new species from Western Australia with notes on its ecology, seed germination and horticultural potential
by J.G. West & R.J. Chinnock
describes a fascinating new species from arid Western Australia; the article also includes a full-page colour plate by Gilbert Dashorst.

To access content of all volumes of the Journal of the Adelaide Botanic Gardens since 1976, please visit the journal web-site at

Algae revealed: more fact-sheets published

Algae revealed are a series of illustrated fact-sheets on the algal flora of the southern Australian coast. These fact-sheets are created by Bob Baldock, Hon. Associate of the State Herbarium, and contain colour photographs of whole plants and magnified views of important parts and easy-to-use identification keys.

This week, 25 new fact sheets were made available online, as well as 35 updated versions of existing fact-sheet. They can be accessed at or through the Census of South Australian plants, algae and fungi (, by clicking on the MORE button.

Ulva rigida

Some years ago, the content of all six volumes of Prof. H.B.S. Womersley’s Marine benthic flora of southern Australia (1984-1998), text and illustrations, have been converted to fact-sheets, which are also available through the Census. Scans of the original books can be downloaded from our publications web-page.

New fungi species for South Australia

It’s All About the Plants
Tuesday, 5 November 2013—10:00–12:00
Goodman Building Lecture Theatre

by Pam Catcheside (Honorary Research Associate Mycologist)
State Herbarium of South Australia

As South Australia’s foremost fungi expert, Pam will share her considerable knowledge on the basics of identifying and describing different types of fungi and then show how she is applying these techniques to uncover new species in the State.

Boletus edulis

Boletus edulis

All Herbarium staff, honoraries, volunteers and students are welcome.

New Flora chapters published, Oct. 2013

Adonis microcarpa

Adonis microcarpa

Updated versions of three chapters of the new, 5th edition of Flora of South Australia were published today, 31 Oct. 2013.  They include additional species, up-dated synonymy and distribution information and new images.

Berberidaceae (version 2) (754 KB)
by J. Kellermann

Loganiaceae (version 2) (1.29 MB)
by B.J. Conn

Ranunculaceae (version 2) (2.68 MB)
by H. Eichler, J. Jeanes & N.G. Walsh

Previous versions of Flora treatments are still available from our Superseded treatments page. The general link to the 5th edition of Flora of South Australia is

New journal articles, Oct 2013

Euphrasia amplidens

Euphrasia amplidens

Today, 24 Oct. 2013, the Journal of the Adelaide Botanic Gardens published two scientific papers online.

Euphrasia amplidens (Orobanchaceae), a new and very localised species from western Tasmania (1.35MB)
by W.R. Barker, M. Wapstra & B. French

Notes on Hibbertia subg. Hemistemma (Dilleniaceae) 9. The eastern Australian H. vestita group, including H. pedunculata and H. serpyllifolia (1.69MB)
by H.R. Toelken

19 new species and subspecies from Queensland, New South Wales, Victoria and Tasmania are published in these articles.

To access content of all volumes of the Journal of the Adelaide Botanic Gardens since 1976, please visit the journal web-site at